Codestarter is a nonprofit that raises funds to ship laptops to kids who are interested in coding but don’t have the right tools to get started.
But Codestarter doesn’t just raise money, buy laptops, and hand them off. They do so much more.
The organization physically takes each laptop apart and rebuilds them. Each rebuilt laptop comes pre-loaded with programming languages and everything a kid needs to start his or her coding journey.
I first heard about the cause when I met with Codestarter’s Communications Director, Rheanna Martinez, who got me up to speed about their purpose and what they’ve accomplished so far.
Needless to say, I instantly wanted to help out.
Kids need to be more involved in technology. Not just to make the next great photosharing app, but to continue to progress society. And it’s refreshing to see organizations like Codestarter leading the charge by equipping them with the right tools.
One more thing…
Codestarter has weekly volunteering events every Wednesday in San Francisco from 5 p.m — 7 p.m. You get a chance to rebuild laptops and make a kid smile from ear to ear.
Be sure to contact them for more information. Get involved!
Image credit: Codestarter